You are currently viewing 15  Amazing Fruits and Vegetables you can find in Plateau State

15  Amazing Fruits and Vegetables you can find in Plateau State


Vegetables and fruits are an essential element of a balanced diet because they offer the body vitamins, minerals, and a variety of other nutrients that are essential for overall health and mental clarity. Plateau state is home to a variety of wonderful things, including unusual veggies, fruits, and cool temperatures. Some of the veggies grown on the Plateau are unavailable elsewhere in the country. The state’s favorable soil and climatic conditions, which are ideal for cultivating such crops, are among the main reasons for this. In this post, I’ll show you 15  Amazing Fruits and Vegetables you can find in Plateau State and possibly nowhere else in Nigeria. Let’s go if you’re ready!

15  Amazing Fruits and Vegetables you can find in Plateau State


Strawberry is grown in significant quantities in Jos and other Plateau state locations. If you’ve ever driven from Abuja to Jos, you’ve probably seen people selling strawberries and other exotic fruits and vegetables in the Riyom local government region. Strawberry is high in vitamin C as well as antioxidants.



What comes to mind when you hear the word blackcurrant? Ribena, yes! Blackcurrant is a deep purple-black berry that is high in nutrients not found in other fruits or vegetables. Blackcurrant, which is native to central and northern Europe as well as Siberia, may be found in abundance in Jos and its environs. The vitamin C content of blackcurrant is high. In a 100-gram serving of blackcurrant, you can get up to 300 percent of the daily necessary vitamin C. It also includes B-vitamins (B1, B5, and B6). They also aid to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and treat or prevent arthritis, according to research. Despite its numerous health benefits, blackcurrant is a tart berry that may require sweetening with honey or sugar before consumption. It can also be baked with and used to make the sauce. Lamb, turkey, or fish can all be used in the sauce. Blackcurrants can be kept in the fridge for several weeks.

15  Amazing Fruits and Vegetables you can find in Plateau State

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Broccoli is possibly grown only in Nigeria’s Plateau state. It appears to be a green sponge-like vegetable with some leaves. It contains sulfur, which is a good anti-inflammatory, among other vitamins and minerals. This is especially useful to smokers since it lowers the amount of C-reactive protein (CRP), a blood protein that is used to assess the degree of inflammation in the body. Broccoli contains carotenoids as well, and the greener the broccoli florets are, the more carotene they have.


Radish comes in a variety of colors, including white, red, black, and purple. It can be either long and cylindrical or spherical in shape. If you’ve never seen a white radish before, it could be mistaken for a white sweet potato variety. In Jos and other regions of the state, white and purple radish are grown in huge quantities. Raw or cooked, radish is a versatile vegetable. The leaves, flowers, pods, and seeds of the radish are all edible. The pods are a great addition to salads and may also be served as an appetizer.


Radish has numerous health advantages. Diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, weight loss, kidney illness, jaundice, piles, urinary dysfunction, and a variety of other disorders are all treated with it. That is why the market in Jos’ Building Materials area is always bustling with buyers from all across Nigeria purchasing radish, beetroot, and other veggies to sell to cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease sufferers.

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Cauliflower, like radish, is another vegetable that is readily available in Jos. Although it resembles broccoli, the bud is white. Cauliflower is also high in nutrients. It’s high in vitamins and minerals, and it’s used to treat everything from cancer to inflammation to heart disease. It can also be used to help with brain health, cleansing, digestion, and antioxidants.



Eggplants are high in phytonutrients such caffeic and chlorogenic acid, as well as flavonoids like nasunin, a powerful antioxidant. It’s also a fantastic source of protection against cardiovascular disorders and wonderful brain food. This plant is found in a very large quantity in Jos

15 -Amazing-Fruits-and-Vegetables-you-can-find-in-Plateau-State

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Cucumber includes lignans, which have a high potential to lower the incidence of cardiovascular disease as well as cancers such as breast, prostate, uterine, and ovarian cancers. Fresh cucumber extracts have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

15 -Amazing-Fruits-and-Vegetables-you-can-find-in-Plateau-State


Celery is a crunchy, crispy vegetable that is noted for its low-calorie content. It contains phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial. It’s a quick on-the-go snack that may also be used as a vegetable in prepared recipes, stir-fries, and salads. Celery, unlike several other vegetables, retains the majority of its nutrients even after being steamed.

Celery should be consumed within seven days of purchase, according to World’s Healthiest Foods. This is because large levels of celery’s antioxidants and other essential chemicals vanish after five to seven days.

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9. Beetroot

 Beetroot is a tuber vegetable with a vivid red interior that is brown in color. The Romans were the first to cultivate it. The United States, Russia, France, Poland, and Germany are the top commercial producers now. Roasted beets, incorporated into soups, boiled beets, and raw beets in salads are all options. Beetroot has low-fat content, is high in vitamins and minerals, and is high in antioxidants. It aids in the prevention of constipation and the reduction of cholesterol levels, among other things.


Everyone knows that the tomato variety grown in Jos is unique. Tomatoes contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other vital substances that are essential for overall health.


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This is one of the most sorts after and grown pepper in the City of Jos.

Green peppers are a favorite culinary vegetable since they are quite flexible and can be used in every meal. Green peppers’ components can provide a wide range of health benefits in addition to their versatility


This is one amazing vegetable that is grown in Jos and loaded with lots of health benefits such as:

*They Boost the Immune system

* They improve eyesight

* They help in controlling Diabetes


Yellow pepper is a unique bell pepper species with a wide range of hues and aromas. Although technically a fruit, it is used as a spice in a variety of cuisines around the world. These spices are members of the same family like eggplants, potatoes, and tomatoes on my list of 15  Amazing Fruits and Vegetables you can find in Plateau State.

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Another great vegetable on my list of 15  Amazing Fruits and Vegetables you can find in Plateau State is the Irish Potatoes One of the largest cultivated vegetables in Bokkos and Plateau State, from this location Irish potatoes are being transported to be sold in order parts of Nigeria.


Another high in demand Farm produce that is cultivated in Jos. Red

kidney beans contain Carbohydrates, proteins, iron and it has properties that help in fighting diabetes.


The Jos plateau is a landlocked region in Central Nigeria. It is one of the few areas in the country that is blessed with an abundance of fruits and vegetables. I hope you enjoyed this Post ” 15  Amazing Fruits and Vegetables you can find in Plateau State “. Please feel free to Leave a Comment and Share this Post.

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